Today I'll start my blog. Ummm, what shall I say? I like to write, write, and write. I dream about writing and long last..with the encouragement of many friends and family I have dared to expose myself to express my words and stories. I understand that a blog is about spontaneous thoughts and feelings - and then find a few words or more to convey meaning, imagination, and perhaps evoke memories, happy and sad - but mostly to invite all of us to share what we most have in common - learning to truly embrace this one life we have to live... through common stories and support, encouragement, and of course, my journeys of connecting all of us through the handcrafted journeys I will continue to be inspired to plan.
I will share my experiences through travel, relationships, poets, authors...and I just might dare to share my own musings - along with some of my favorite friends' art and photography through my blog.
I attempt to live by my word and truth..sometimes having to dig deep to get to it..but have a deep spiritual core and concern that I can live my life in a full and contented way. I often get my inspiration to write through poetry, landscape, cultures and traveling with the many groups I have been privileged to take to many places in the world. However, I am learning that inspiration first must come from one's own self and anywhere your feet, ears and eyes land.
Recently, a friend shared a wonderful quote with me:
"If you want to build a ship don't drum up people together to collect wood and assign them tasks and work, but rather teach them to long for the endless immensity of the sea" - Antoine de Saint-Exupéry.
Keep your journeys open and wide. Expect a surprise each day!